* Tea made from bay leaf is perfect for those who have a sleeping problem. The herbal tea, which is formed by boiling bay leaf in water, provides a very intense relief. Then, the person who has a sleeping problem starts sleeping like a newborn baby.
* The bay leaf is good in terms of adding flavor to the dishes. Adding a bay leaf in vegetable and mixed scented prepared for children will make them eat the food withhappyness.
* Bay plant is a medical plant. It is used as raw material in many medicines, especially painkillers and wound dressing drugs.
* It is also known that it is urine remover for those who have a urine problems.
* Bay leaf has a germ-killer properties. Boiled and cooled bay leaves are effective in case of injury.
* Bay leaf has a pain-relieving properties. You can often spend bay tea at the end of your busy days.